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How to change display color

The display color changing tool lets you adjust the display color so that you can comfortably view even websites with color-dependent information that is hard to read or websites with a bright background that is too bright to distinguish or tires your eyes with extended use.

Names of tools and buttons

Image. Names of tools and buttons for changing the display color

Inverting display colors

Image. Inverting display colors

Press the [Invert Color] button to invert the display colors of the page you are viewing (negative-positive reversal).

White on black

Image. White on black

Press the [White on Black] button to invert black and white on the page you are viewing (black and white reversal).

Black on white

Press the [Black on White] button to display the page you are viewing with a black foreground and white background (monochrome).

Reset display color

Press the [Reset] button to revert to the original display colors.

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